Down (2019)

One of the best things about running a Horror website is getting to see some really innovative and interesting short films from independent filmmakers. Garry Crystal's short dark short Down is a fabulous watch as it is both extremely funny as a comedy of embarrassment and the discomfort of pushing personal boundaries as well as... Continue Reading →

The Game of the Clock (2019)

When Alice's friend misses movie night she pays a late night visit to Susan's flat to check that she is OK. Alice (Simone Mumford) finds the flat empty except for a ringing alarm clock a note daring her to endure five minutes of The Game of the Clock. Cryptic notes left around the flat indicate... Continue Reading →

Double Date (2019)

Cocky Alex (Michael Socha) is determined to help his shy ginger mate Jim (Danny Morgan, who also wrote the screenplay) loose his virginity before he hits 30 in a few days. As luck would have it Kitty (Kelly Wenham ) and her sister Lulu (Georgia Groome) just happen to walk into the conspirator's pub and... Continue Reading →

Iron Sky: The Coming Race (2019)

If you have ever wanted to see Hitler riding a T.Rex this is the movie for you. So as the nuclear war between the Moon Nazis and the rest of the world at the conclusion of Iron Sky (2012) engulfs the planet, a US president who looks remarkably like Sarah Palin (Stephanie Paul), boards a... Continue Reading →

Snore – Preview

We like a bit of puppet based mayhem at the Hothouse, we are delighted to preview Snore the latest movie from, Worthing based filmmaker Luther Bhogal-Jones of Faster Productions. So what is Snore about? 'In this film hard nosed businesswoman Karen has gone bankrupt yet again,' Luther explained 'forcing her and Callum, her toyboy lover/... Continue Reading →

Seepers – Poster reveal

At the Hothouse we are big fans of master horror illustrator Graham Humphreys, so we were delighted to get the opportunity to show the poster Graham has designed for the British horror film Seepers: A Love Story directed by Melanie Gourlay,  which is currently funding practical SFX on Kickstarter. So  what is Seepers: A Love Story all about... Continue Reading →

Goodnight Halloween

Twelve years (so far) in production Goodnight Halloween an alternate reality short by South Coast filmmaker Luther Bhogal-Jones is now approaching completion. Luther told us: ' Set in an alternate Detroit in 1986, Goodnight Halloween presents a world where Halloween creatures have co-existed with mankind, following the Kreatures Act pushed through the Senate by... Continue Reading →

Batman: Gotham by Gaslight (2018)

Taking the Caped Crusader back in time to the final years of the 19th century Batman: Gotham by Gaslight pitches the Dark Knight against the most Gothic of real life serial killers Jack the Ripper. Loosely based upon the Elseworlds Origin story by Brian Augustyn and Mike Mignolla this animated adventure takes place in a... Continue Reading →

La Virgen Descalza Crowdfunding

La Virgen Descalza is a short psychological horror film written and directed by Lone Fleming, based upon her own novel The Discalced Virgin. The film tells the story of Leonor who on the eve of her wedding begins to feel that something very strange is going to happen. Born in Aarhus, Denmark, Lone has enjoyed... Continue Reading →

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