Horror Brought to Life: Phobia (2014) at the CUT!

Twas the last CUT! before Christmas when all through London’s Horse Hospital, not a creature  was stirring… Except when something really scary happened! Yes the final CUT! presentation before Christmas, Phobia was a bit of a roller coaster, with shocks coming thick and fast. MacKinlay (Michael Jefferson) is an agoraphobic who hasn’t left his apartment in a dark New York... Continue Reading →

Unearthly Stranger (1963)

Well, you wait for ages for some Cold War era Brit Sci-fi flicks and then two of them come along together! Hot on the heels of 1965’s Invasion from our friends at Network comes Unearthly Stranger. Unearthly Stranger’s paranoia comes in at a more subtle tack to that of Invasion. Scientists at Britain’s  Royal Institute of Space Research are close to... Continue Reading →

Invasion (1965)

Drinking and driving is a bad idea, especially when the army radar is picking up mysterious flying objects that are too small to be the old British Air Ferries transporters on the way back from Le Tourquet. That’s what Lawrence Blackburn (Anthony Sharp) discovered back in 1965 when a rubber suited man (Eric Young) staggered out... Continue Reading →

Legacy of Thorn (2014)

So, we've had Halloween, we've had Friday the 13th... and come to think of it, the Ides of March didn’t end too well either. Now it’s the turn of February 29th, which thankfully only comes around every four years. You see every February 29th Thorn, a machete wielding masked serial killer, manifests himself and goes... Continue Reading →

After Midnight (2014)

Catherine Annette plays Constance, a local TV newsreader in Los Angeles. Breaking news that night is the gunning down of her wayward sister Duffy outside the Candy Cat pole-dancing club where she worked. Haunted by the image of he dead sister with a bullet in her head, Constance takes a break from work to go... Continue Reading →

Timeslip / The Atomic Man (1955)

The police drag the near lifeless body of a man from the Thames, a bullet lodged in his back. On the operating table his heart stops, to all intents and purposes the man is dead for seven seconds before the adrenaline shot kicks in and his heart starts beating again. Investigative reporter Mike Delaney (Gene... Continue Reading →

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