The Lightest Darkness – Crowdfunding Now

A reverse chronology Russian film noir? OK that's me hooked 'so what's The Lightest Darkness all about?' we asked director Diana Galimzyanova. 'The Lightest Darkness is a thriller/mystery. A cruel and ironic serial killer has been terrorizing the railroad for the last six months. I.R. Musin, the private eye, finds himself on the train. He's... Continue Reading →

Doc of The Dead

Ever wondered why zombies are the go to monster for so many of today's makers? In Doc of the Dead Alexandre Phillipe attempts to find the answer to the walking dead's lasting appeal. tracing the development of the zombie flick from Robert Weine's Cabinet of Dr Caligari to World War Z and The Walking Dead.... Continue Reading →

The Thief of Bagdad (1940)

Oh the colour, the colour! It’s just so sumptuously magnificent, you just can’t help to be struck by the vibrancy and richness of the Technicolor process utilised in Network’s new Blu-ray reissue of Alexander Korda’s magical middle-eastern fantasy epic The Thief of Bagdad. Alright, but what has the story of usurped king Ahmad (John Justin)... Continue Reading →

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