Sons of Bitches (2016)


Vampire flick Chimeres was one of the Hothouse’s favourite movie releases of 2014. Now Chimeres producer Olivier Beguin is filming the revenge Horror Western Sons of Bitches in, of all places Neuchatel, Switzerland, does that make it a Fondue Western?


Sons of Bitches tells the story of Sally (Sandra Zellweger), who prostitutes herself for pioneers and trappers in a small Wisconsin town. In fear for her baby’s life and unable to bear the violence and abuse for one more day, she runs away to face the cold and snow of the mountains, but reckons without the Hunter.

Raphael Tschudi is the Hunter

From the stills Olivier has sent us Sons of Bitches looks pretty authentically Western to us and we like Westerns with a touch of the Gothic here at Horror Hothouse. The film is directed by Arnaud Baur with a screenplay by Colin Vettier from a story by Arnaud Baur & Colin Vettier.


Production is currently underway with a volunteer cast a crew and if you can spare a few Swiss Franks, Pounds, Dollars or Euros there is a crowdfunding campaign you can donate to here with some dandy rewards.

We can’t wait to see the finished movie.


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